Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Using Perl On Your Website

If you want to have cleaner codes, extensibility and reusability for your programming language, you need to take a look at what Perl has to offer. Introduced back in 1987, it is a language that is ideal for creating dynamic web pages and system management. It is a language that has been designed to be efficient and easy to be use while powerful enough to give the webmaster the ability to do whatever he wants for his website. This article will list out the benefits of Perl so that you can have a better picture of what sort of programming language it is.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

- Cleaner Code
- Modularity & Reusability
- Object Oriented Programming
- Compatible & Extensible
- Multi-Simultaneous DBM Implementation
- Auto Subroutine Upload
- Regular Expression Enhancement
- Innumerable Unbundled Modules
- Compilable
- Lexical Scoping

Cleaner codes are possible with the introduction of Perl 5. So, the codes are far more readable. It enables the use of mnemonic identifiers instead of cryptic variables. Therefore, there will be warnings to warn if there is any mistake done in the code. This is useful for novice developers.

As for the modularity and reusability, users can easily make use of the Perl 5 library because everything is defined in terms of modules and component and everything can be easily shared. Users can import from one package to another with ease because of this. Using the same mechanism, users can define pragmas as well as the complier directives.

Perl uses object oriented programming where it supports dynamic inheritance and virtual methods making it simple and straightforward. This way, it will reduce the amount of syntax and packages can function like classes with the filehandlers being treated like objects.

Perl 5 is highly compatible and extensible because you can embed it into C or C++ applications. With its IX pre-processor, you can add C and C++ routine into the framework. Furthermore, Perl also supports dynamic module and it can transform itself into a dynamic library.

With Perl, we can have multi DBM implementation because it can simultaneously access DBM, GDBM, NDBM and SDBM from the same script. It can allow object to connect to any variable because its DBMOpen has been modified.

It also has an Auto Subroutine Upload that allows users to autoload using Perl 5's mechanism to define arbitrary semantics for anything that is undefined on your subroutine call. Furthermore, it lets you write expressions with embedded whitespace so that visitors can get better visibility. In the archive of the Perl network, you will also be able to find a large number of plug and play modules.

With its compliable capability, you can generate portable byte codes even though you do not have a fully functional Perl-to-C compiler. This means that it is within the Lexical Scope which has similar variables like in the C programming language but more efficient and can provide better programming for your hosting.

So, there are many benefits for using Perl plus you can download free software from the official Perl website or just get it from your web hosting company.

Using Perl On Your Website

How to JSF Framework Android Sdk

Monday, January 31, 2011

What Can MDS Do For Blackberry Application Development?

MDS stands for Mobile Data System for Blackberry devices. For Blackberry Application developers it is really a helpful system. If developers do not want to waste time for writing low-level code, MDS can be the fantastic option for them. Blackberry MDS has been designed to work with Blackberry Enterprise Solution software that can directly handle collaboration, email, MMS, SMS, intranets, databases, customer relationship management, and many other related things.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

During creating an application for Blackberry outline, developers normally use something that fits into the Enterprise Solution Framework; but MDS works within Enterprise Solution to give realtor on the spot financial information to the client as it is also designed and integrated with the rest of the applications in Enterprise Solution. Now MDS makes the process easy for realtor or any professional to share any information.

The latest version of Blackberry MDS v4.0 let the developers wirelessly access web services from Blackberry Smartphones. To manage interaction with enterprise application MDS is one of the most resourceful components (including MDS services, MDS developer tools, MDS device software) of Blackberry Enterprise Server that handle requests from Blackberry Smartphone. So people call it next generation service for enterprise applications that sit behind the corporate firewall. It also uses proven push delivery model security features. As MDS and Blackberry Enterprise Server can be installed on separate machine, it would make developers have stable solution with saving time.

Mobile Data System framework for Blackberry Application Development provides tools to build and deploy applications for the Blackberry Enterprise Solution for new generation. It can also provide multiple development options and developer tools, and it uses standards-based mechanisms and protocols to simplify integration with existing applications and systems. It can support the connections and data transmission between the BlackBerry MDS Studio Applications on the BlackBerry smartphone and Web Services. It can optimize wireless data transmissions for increased performance and lower operating costs.

In a nutshell, the corporate and third party Blackberry Application Developers can use MDS of the Blackberry's Enterprise Solution offer a quality business application framework with development simplicity and broad functionality. MDS of Blackberry Enterprise Solution is a product of that period when developers are looking for a framework that saves both their time and money.

If a business or development runs on Blackberry Application, MDS can make the developers enjoy the perks of creating and selling a low-overhead product. So future can be bright for them if they follow Blackberry MDS.

What Can MDS Do For Blackberry Application Development?

Grails Guide

Friday, January 28, 2011

What You Should Know About Automated Software Testing Tool

Software testing entails a list of activities, but in a nutshell, it refers to the process of identifying the accuracy, comprehensiveness, and quality of the software application. In actuality, there is no way that clients and developers precisely establish the accuracy of a software. That alone suggests that no software program in the world is perfect. However, any software engineer can improve his program by checking errors and by trying its durability. Software clients and developers can do these by testing the program either by hand or by using automated software testing tool.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

There are basically two ways clients and developers can test software programs. The old school way of manually checking the application module by module is still very much in practice today. The presence of automation testing, however, does not necessarily imply the obsolescence of manual testing. In fact, it is advisable to pair automated testing with manual testing. Simply put, automated testing software lessens the use of manpower while speeding the checking process. The goal is to test the software efficiently in as little time as possible.

Automated testing software entails four set up activities. These activities include detailed test cases, predictable expectations or results, dedicated test environment, and skilled and dedicated resources. It is therefore imperative that clients and developers consider these minimal setups before implementing the test automation.

Automated test softwares can be either keyword driven or functional decomposition. These two terms refer to the two types of testing automation. Functional decomposition refers to the type of test automation software where the software system is broken down into sub-functions and system functions so that each component will communicate accordingly. The keyword driven type of test automation, on the other hand, uses pre-made key words instead of breaking down the system into components. Each keyword will then correspond to each system function and sub-function.

Each type of automated testing software tool has its own share of advantages and disadvantages. The benefits of using functional decomposition include the efficiency of a modular design, the elimination of redundancy, script reusability, convenient maintenance, and robust error handling. On the other side, functional decomposition can be costly since it needs the employment of skilled technical personnel to write and maintain scripts. This type of test automation software also requires more time since the maintenance team must preserve the test data as well.

Keyword driven test automation software applications, in contrast, are easier to create and maintain. This approach does not also require technical expertise. In fact, even non-technical staff can run and maintain the software, thus encouraging cost-effectiveness within the company. Despite this, creating the central utility scripts demands high level of proficiency. Even custom scripts for intricate scenarios can become time consuming. Failure to build stable architecture in terms of utility scripting may lead to risk of malfunction and system crash.

In spite of these lists of disadvantages and advantages, the choice of using automated software testing tool is not a matter of what type tool to implement. But it is a matter of making the necessary preparations. Remember to have a suitable environment, a stable hardware facility, and skilled workers to maintain and run the tests.

What You Should Know About Automated Software Testing Tool

How to Struts Framework Grails Guide Know Oracle SQL

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Software Programming of Autonomous Robots

Software systems for autonomous robots consist of different kinds of components software. The robots sensors enable to retrieve information from their environments. In contrast, actuators are used to interact with the environment. These components are normally located on the robot directly. They resemble device drivers that need to be tightly coupled with software. Robotic systems typically comprise components for modeling world, behavior reasoning, self localization, or path planning, which realize the artificial intelligence part of the system. These components can be located on the robot directly or realized self contained modules located o remote systems as well.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

Modularity has shown to be advantageous for complex and large software systems and is a fundamental design principle for distributed applications. This is not always only the objective of abstract design. Often it is necessity implied by specific characteristic systems of modular robotic. Image processing has to be implemented mainly with efficiency. This is requiring programming languages which introduce minimal in computations like C+ or C.

For less computation intensive tasks or for programs in a very portable way, other programming language like Java or C# may be preferable. Different platforms or programming languages normally imply using separate processes as well. Finally, third party modules integration is facilitated by a modular architecture with simple and clear interfaces.

Modularity also involves complication to some degree such as interaction between modules has to overcome boundaries. A very fast and flexible inter-process communication (IPC) scheme is socket communication. It allows a module to communicate with other module in remote or same systems. Socket interfaces are available on all common software platforms and facilitate portability as well. Socket communication is stream-based or message, so data exchanged between modules have to be serialized before transmission and de-serialized after reception. A developer defines interfaces of module communication with data management capabilities as well as communication protocols tailored to mobile ad hoc interaction schemes.

Software Programming of Autonomous Robots

How to JSF Framework Grails Guide

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Choosing Java Vs .Net For Web Development

Today, we have a wide range of programming languages which have helped us in creating projects for different purposes. Two major programming languages that have attained a huge amount of success in the recent years are Java and .Net. The Software Development Services Providers have used these two technologies on a very large scale. The field of web development has also been greatly benefited with the introduction of different programming languages.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

In my article I would like to make you familiar with some exclusive facts about Java and .Net. The Software Development Services offered in the present year mainly involves the features of both these technologies.

Java has been exclusively used for carrying out efficient web development. Today, the web services are developed using the Java technology API? and tools which are provided by many integrated Web Services platforms. Various webservice stacks consists of JAX-WS, JAZB and WSIT which enable the programmers to create secure Web Services. Java Script can actually make your website even more interactive. You can easily use the Java scripts in order to perform different activities such as form validation, browser identification and advertisement management etc. Using Java scripts can help your website feature rich with enhanced features. JavaScript can be easily used with any language that is used for web programming. You can easily use Java Script to handle all your client side activities. Java also includes Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). This feature allows a website to display its contents without the need of refreshing the web page again and again. It has also been helpful in transferring a large amount of data from the server side to the client side without much delay using XML.

On the other hand, ASP.Net programming has also been an immense success in the recent years. It allows the programmers to build dynamic websites, web services and web applications. In order to use the ASP .NET technology you need to have a web server and a .Net framework. The different steps which are involved in creating a simple ASP.NET web page include the following:
- Choosing and defining the language you wish to use on the framework (like for eg: C# or Visual Basic).
- Creating an HTML Form.
- Adding this form to the server you wish to use.
- The processing to be carried out on the server side.

The web server can either be Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Services) or an Apache 2 .The different Software Development Services offered by the software firms include the features that have helped in completing the projects related to different fields within a very short span of time by using either of the technologies. The Software Development Services offered using these technologies have helped different business firms in achieving their goals within a short period of time. Having an excellent website for your business firm can help you achieve an immense amount of popularity all over the world. I hope by now you might have got an introduction about using Java and .Net for web development.

Choosing Java Vs .Net For Web Development

Grails Guide

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Flash or No Flash?

Deciding on the way you want your web site to appear might not be a straight forward task, especially when one is not fully aware of the technology available today. One of these tools is called 'Flash', a programming language that allows you to have great audio and visual content on your site.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

Flash is a technology developed by Macromedia, a leader in web development tools. Flash generates a movie file which is a combination of images and text that is then compiled and put on a site.

Some web sites are completely written in Flash, others have only some Flash elements inserted here and there. Full Flash sites are very entertaining and can easily capture the eyes of many with their originality and audio-visual content.

Another example of where Flash is well used is on sites that are mainly about presentation rather than information. For example, interior designers' sites, musical bands' sites, kids' sites and photo gallery sites. These are all places where Flash is particularly well-matched.

The main problems with full Flash sites are search engines. It is useless to have a full Flash site if you need to rank high in search engines. Unfortunately search engines don't read Flash and therefore are not able to index your site's pages and distinguish what the site is all about.

Search engines send out automated robots called "spiders" that crawl through the internet and create huge databases of web pages. People then search for web pages based on keywords that are embedded into the web page. If it is important to you that people find your web site, then it is important to you to have well written text and links on your web pages that search engines are able to find, read and follow. Search engines cannot see the text in a Flash page or hyperlinks on Flash pages, and therefore cannot follow the links. Your web site will not be relevant to search engines since it will be read as one page.

The best solution if you need search engine indexing and Flash content is to have a web site written in HTML with some Flash elements embedded in it. The search engines will still not be able to read the Flash content, but this will be compensated by the fact that your content and keywords will exist in text format, and therefore, readable by the search engines. In addition you will still have that Flash element which will enhance your site and make it look more appealing to your viewers.

Flash or No Flash?

Know Oracle SQL

Thursday, January 20, 2011

PHP and .NET - A Comparison For Building Websites

Both PHP and ASP.NET are able to produce complex and sophisticated websites with various purposes, like commercial or corporate, but the difference between the two programming tools resides at the level of methods employed by each one to achieve the same goals. If the first is an open-source development language, the second is a set of technologies included in the Microsoft .NET framework that builds web applications and XML web services.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

They are similar in execution, they both generate markup like HTML, WML or XML, which is sent to a desktop or mobile application. The difference is that ASP.NET provides a powerful and efficient object-oriented, event-driven programming model for building web pages and it so happens, because, unlike PHP, applications built in ASP.NET are built from the start on a robust OOP context, and not on a scripting context.

Moving on to the feature comparison, some of the first most relevant ones to discuss are the coding languages supported, the compiling logic, and the output caching for full and partial pages. If PHP supports some OOP concepts and C++ and C#, ASP.NET, on the other hand, has full support for more than 25 languages, like the widely used Visual Basic .NET and C#, and many more. In this case, a developer can stick to one language, but actively use components from other languages as well. As for compiling logic, both development tools have compilation support, with the difference that ASP.NET already has dynamically and pre-compiled modes.

The output caching is really a feature that sets the two apart: PHP has no native support for neither full or partial page, while ASP.NET is equipped with support for full page through any combination of one or several URL parameters, browser type or custom function, and native support for partial pages through the use of User Controls, using the Cache API data and other objects can be cached with complex expiration rules.

PHP and .NET - A Comparison For Building Websites

Know Oracle SQL Android PDF Android Development Guide

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

PHP Web Programming - Hire PHP Programmer of Your Choice To Excel In Your Business

Getting the help of a professional will always make a positive impact on your project and give you better results than you doing it yourself or get the help of a freelancer. The same implies for your project for PHP development. Hire a PHP Programmer to get the best services and the best results to make your project a success.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

So there is a need to hire a PHP Programmer for sure, but there are so many options in the market that you might end up choosing the wrong person for your project and end up loosing a lot of time, money and effort. So, this call for a careful selection procedure that will ensure the right PHP Programmer hired that fits into your budget and is right for you project.

So what is that will ensure the right selection. Here I give you few points to remember that can help you greatly. First and foremost, always hire a PHP Programmer from an outsourcing company, and if possible from a company that does PHP programming in India.

The reason for these two is that hiring from an outsourcing is safer as they have adequate resources to handle small to large scale projects, plus there are more options for you to choose from. And hiring from a PHP programming company in India is beneficial as the hiring rates are lower due to the currency difference and the competition in the market. The availability of PHP Programmers in the Indian market is easy and so you will not have any difficulty finding the right person for your project.

Secondly, you should cross check the following details. Before you finalize the PHP Programmer you should check the portfolio, check the communication ability of the programmer, and the testimonials present on the company's website. Portfolios are clear indicators of the kind of work the company or the programmers have done and are capable of doing. The communication skills are of primary importance as it plays a very vital role in the progress of the project. And testimonials are clear cut indication of a satisfied client.

If these three things are in place then you can go ahead and finalize the company and hire the PHP Programmer for your assignment.

PHP Web Programming - Hire PHP Programmer of Your Choice To Excel In Your Business

Android PDF Android Development Guide Android Sdk

Monday, January 17, 2011

ASP Dot NET Programming - Complete ASP Dot Net Web Development Solutions at Affordable Cost

ASP Dot NET services attracts its users to develop dynamic and professional websites which will take business a next level and helps you a lot. ASP Dot NET is a powerful technology which is developed to connect the company, its employee, partners, and customers who uses its on the web. It is useful in general activities like templates, frameworks, management of database, database access and other activities.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

Before the invention of ASP Dot NET it was difficult to update web pages constantly. Therefore this framework is developed for individual purposes for web development. Today many websites and web applications are created using ASP Dot NET programming as dynamic websites. It is popular for its programming services and features.

ASP Dot NET programming reduces the amount of code required. This way it facilitates to build a large application within your time framework. This XML format makes it easy to apply new settings to applications without the help of any local administration tools.

Visual studio development environment gives rich tools to develop application in ASP.NET. It gives WYSIWYG editing, drag-and-drop server controls, and automatic deployment etc. In ASP.NET source code is embedded in HTML so ASP.NET becomes easy to read and write script. The source code is executed on server.

ASP Dot NET programming is a server-side scripting so it executed on server before it sent to the browser. However web pages continuously monitors the pages, components and application running on it. If it notices any memory leaks, infinite loops, other illegal activities, it immediately destroys those activities and restarts itself.

Thus, ASP.NET programming gives solutions which are available at affordable cost.

ASP Dot NET Programming - Complete ASP Dot Net Web Development Solutions at Affordable Cost

Know Oracle SQL

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mobile Application Development Tools For Non-Coders

Android mobile application development for non-coders does not have to be a complicated and technical activity. Today there are various platforms available that make the task possible for people that do not have an extensive background in programming.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

Cell phones have come a long way since they first became a mass consumer item barely a decade ago. With the advent of smart phones, they have replaced the PC as a way to have access to a range of tools and software.

There are new development framework programs that can be downloaded from the net to allow almost anyone create the type of applications that would be desirable to consumers. Such software allow users to build interesting apps by dragging and dropping various blocks of code to custom make a service that would be of interest to those of us that have android phones. It is through such developer tools that thousands of now widely used apps have been designed.

Android phones have now taken on a commanding share of the market. The open source system is one that is extremely desirable to both users and developers. With various design vehicles now available, transforming an engaging idea into reality has never been so easy.

Whether you want to create a cell phone application that relates to communication, entertainment, news, finance, or any other category, rest assured that you will be able to put together the code with simplicity and in a relatively brief amount of time.

Allowing android users to become participants in mobile application development as opposed to consumers is an activity which is receiving a lot of attention. The architecture used in android powered devices is perfect for non coders. If you are familiar with basic drag and drop applications that are common on PCs, you can easily design and launch an app that would be used and loved by the masses.

Mobile Application Development Tools For Non-Coders

Android PDF Know Oracle SQL How to JSF Framework

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Choose the Right Programming Language For Your Custom Software

You know it's essential to choose the right platform and tools for an IT project if you want the resulting system to be successful. Let's take a closer look at some factors to consider when choosing the programming language you will use to write source code for your software.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

Languages are Not All the Same

If you are multilingual, which of these languages would you choose to write an opera: French, German, Italian or Dutch? How about a love poem? Chances are that for each of those questions, one or two of the options stood out as suitable and one or two stood out as terribly unsuited.

As you plan what your software will do, some programming languages will be obvious misfits. Others will be appealing possibilities. You just need to decide among the ones that are appealing. Make a list of the answers to these questions:

Will the software perform predictable sequences of activity, or unpredictable sequences? Must the software squeeze as much performance as it can out of the computer? Are specialized interfaces needed between the software and hardware devices (such as device drivers), or between the software and operating system (special hooks to operating system internals) or other applications (such as database engines)? Is the software a small, medium, large or very large application? Is it complex? What hardware platforms must the software be able to run on? What operating systems must the software be able to run on? Is availability of expertise an issue?

These are enough factors to evaluate for most projects. There may be more factors you want to include for your specific project. Next, see which languages fit your needs best.

Strengths versus Weaknesses

To the right of your list, add a column for each language under consideration. Go down the list of factors one at a time and apply a checkmark for each language that is well suited in regard to that factor. Get help about any language where you don't personally know about its strengths and weaknesses. Your spreadsheet needs to be filled with factual information, not fads or personal feelings.

Language differences should jump out at you from the completed evaluation chart. Here are some examples:

Languages that must be compiled and linked to generate an executable program, such as COBOL, C, or C++, make much faster-running software than interpretive languages such as the original BASIC or Java. These languages have to be recompiled and relinked for every target operating system. Interpretive languages such as Java or BASIC execute relatively slowly. Software written in these languages can be taken from one operating system to another with little effort. For predictable sequences of work, procedural languages make fast-running, compact programs with low overhead. For unpredictable sequences of work such as responding to human users in a windowed user interface, they are cumbersome. Object oriented programs are intended for unpredictable sequences of work. They take more overhead than procedural languages, so object oriented code tends not to run as fast as procedural software. High level languages are more easily read by people, simpler to debug, easier to maintain, and reduce the chance of such errors as memory leaks. These are languages such as COBOL, FORTRAN or PL/1. They are less flexible than low level languages such as C. High level languages cannot readily manipulate bits or directly manage hardware. Low level languages like procedural C or object oriented C++ can perform almost as "close to the machine" as a computer's native assembly language. You can do nearly anything with low level languages. However, these languages are cryptic and do not include safeguards that are built into high level languages. That makes it easy for programmers to make such mistakes as memory leaks, and it makes software in these languages hard to maintain. The bigger and more complicated your software is, the more a high level language will save you from long term maintenance headaches.

Ultimate Decision

After you finish filling in your chart, some languages will have more checkmarks than others. The ones with the most checkmarks, or with checkmarks by the most important factors, are your finalists. You might even be lucky enough to find all the finalists are similarly capable for your project. In that case, any language among your finalists will do, and you can pick the one among them that you find most comfortable.

Choose the Right Programming Language For Your Custom Software

Know Oracle SQL

Friday, January 14, 2011

Notebook Computers Bring the World Closer

When it comes to the age of computers, nothing brings the world closer like a notebook computer. These portable computers can be taken most anywhere you need to go to and with powerful programming such as Windows 7, and various other software programs, you have a fully functioning office that goes where you do, so that you can keep up with work check in with family and friends and surf the web. No matter why you need to have a computer with you, these types of computers are portable and getting smaller all the time.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

Notebook computers like the NetBook are smaller versions of a notebook. They do the same thing that a regular notebook will do. They are just in a smaller form which makes them more portable and they can fit into spaces that a regular size notebook simply can't. They are becoming more popular and take up less space. No matter which type of notebook that you choose, you can be assured that it will bring the world closer to you. This is true especially if you have Wi-Fi enabled notebooks that allow you to connect with the internet.

This is a great way to get computing on the go and as time progresses notebook computers may get even smaller. With all the computing technology that is now available, you no longer have to be chained to a desk in order to surf the internet, talk with friends, send email and work on documents. You have portable computing on the go no matter where life takes you. If staying connected is at the top of your list, then getting a computer like this one may be the best answer. It travels well, holds up well and is usually allowed most anywhere. This is why a notebook will bring the world closer to you.

Notebook Computers Bring the World Closer

Know Oracle SQL

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Flash and Javascript: Which One to Use?

The debate between Javascript and Flash has become synonymous with web development and IT architecture. Commonly defined as two differing degrees of programming language that help in the execution of computerised models or objects, many programmers highlight both flash and javascript as dynamic web development tools. Javascript was firstly developed by a netscape programmer by the name of Brendan Eich. Initially coined mocha, the interface became Javascript after a number of different tags. Flash on the other hand is a program developed by Adobe, which was previously called Macromedia. The concept behind flash is similar to that of javascript, however there are a number of key differences. We have highlighted below a few interesting defining factors and the difference between the two interfaces.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

• Javascript is a programming language that allows the user to automated or animate a procedure. Programmers in many cases will utilise javascript on a website to dynamic change the style of website or certain aspects of the functionality. It can be quite effective in defining the commands for a certain feature.

• Flash is a program that is developed externally using Adobe or macromedia software which will automate a certain program, image etc. It will work in the same format as a movie with the possibility of using layers, effects, imagery, text and lots of other functionality. It is commonly used in the format of a slideshow, video, header with transforming imagery. Many design or advertising companies will use flash to automate interesting graphics and functionalities.

• The key defining differences between both programming languages is the functional dynamic. Javascript can be limited sometimes in its features and ability to create advanced graphical interpretations or movements. However Flash can also have its limitations as well, in that the software is sometimes not search engine friendly. Some SEs can have the issue of identifying text within the Flash component, or the specific images.

Both programming languages are unique in their design and can be very effective in automating the processes within a website. Many programmers commonly now use both Javascript and Flash in the production of their sites, as each can fulfill distinct design parameters.

Flash and Javascript: Which One to Use?

How to JSF Framework How to Struts Framework Android Sdk

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Setting Up an Easy Money Making Website

The easiest way to make money online is to have your own website. That way you can sell affiliate products, set up your own shop or make money with advertising. To set up a website capable of bringing in a decent income we are going to use a blogging platform called wordpress. But done be fooled, it's not just great for blogging.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

Wordpress is a platform that is very easy (and quick!) to set up, customize and add content to. Whenever you add content to your wordpress site Google, and other sites, will automatically be notified. For those reasons it is the choice platform for a lot of budding online entrepreneurs.

We are going to be hosting wordpress ourselves so we will need to download it from wordpress dot org. (Do no confuse wordpress dot org with wordpress dot com - wordpress dot com host your blog for you at  and allow for very little behind the scene customization or money making oppertunities. With wordpress dot org we can install it on our own web host and server, and from there do anything we want to it.

Once you have downloaded wordpress simply follow the installation instructions that are also on the website. Remember, you will need to have your own domain and host. You can register both from a lot of site, but i usually recommend host gator or host monster.

Once you have installed it, it is time to find a suitable theme for your website.  You can find over 700 free themes on the wordpress website. Download the theme of your choice to your computer, unzip it, then put the whole folder in your websites wp content > themes folder, using an ftp program of your choice. Now log into your wordpress site, go to themes and click activate on your new theme.

Now you have your website set up and ready to get visitors and take in some money! There are two good ways of doing this, either by putting google adsense on your site, or by selling affiliate products. Adsense are adverts google provides for sites and pay you whenever a visitor clicks on them. For affiliate products search google for Click Bank. The products on it you can advertise on your site, and if any one clicks on them and buys the product, you will recieve at least 50% of the products value.

The only thing you need to do now is get visitors to your site! The link below can help you with that and any other issued you might have!

Setting Up an Easy Money Making Website

How to JSF Framework

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sony Vaio L Series Review

Sony has launched a new product. This product is really different, not a netbook or a notebook, but a multifunctional tool that has many interesting features. This is a new range of touch screen PCs and Sony called it SONY VAIO L series. A multi touch screen that allows you to access HDTV, DVR, and PC just with put your finger.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

The SONY VAIO L functions rely on the monitor 24 inch multi touch widescreen with WUXGA technology. These LCD monitors are high definition with a resolution of 1920 x 1080. Some of this series has equipped with blu ray disc player, which can be used to store your video recordings or watching the movie. This multi touch control also lets you zoom, scroll, and rotate your photos by pinching, flicking, and tapping objects directly on the screen.

You can watch HD programming from your cable TV box because VAIO L series has been equipped with a built in TV tuner. This SONY VAIO also supports your activities to play PS3. There's even a DVR for recording up to 100 hours of HDTV show to the data storage.

This touch screen PC use Windows 7 as Operating System. The Windows 7's OS can maximize SONY VAIO L touch screen function. So your no longer needed a mouse. VAIO L series processor is the type of Core 2 Quad from Intel, a heavy dose of RAM, with NVIDIA graphics with loads of RAM and a 7200 rpm hard drive. This VAIO series is ideal for powering through nowadays graphics - movies, games, and applications.

The Sony Vaio L series will be available shortly with prices starting at ,300.

Sony Vaio L Series Review

Android Development Tutorial Android PDF How to JSF Framework

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Military Robots

Military robots are remote-controlled devices designed for military applications. Military robots work on military robotics such as AGV, UGV, TMR, MOUNT, RECON, Intruder, Ranger, and FCS. There are also many other systems that are being researched by the United States. Military robots provide alternatives for dangerous tasks that soldiers perform in the line of duty.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are among the remarkable success stories of military robots. They can take surveillance photographs and accurately launch missiles at ground targets without a pilot. Military unmanned systems include a wide range of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs), and unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAVs), which are designed to carry out various military missions. All these UVs are usually teleoperated. Military robots are also used as mine sweepers and bomb disposers on ground.

Military robots come in different shapes and sizes according to their military purpose. A military robot contains of a program that includes the route and other required conditions of the mission. These robots use GPS and simple control algorithms for programming. They automatically follow a pre-programmed route and alert a person when it detects movements or other programmed conditions. The robot works according to the instructions given by the operator. Military robots also contain a camera for providing a view of an emergency. These robots are frequently used to defuse mines and "improvised explosive devices."

Military robots also scan barcodes of stored inventory as they pass on their route and report any missing items. The system also includes video screens, force sensors, and special grippers for detection. Bundeswehr, Predator, and Teodor are some popular military robots.

The Robotics Research Corporation is working on many research projects. Researchers claim that military robots are for the betterment of mankind, and the mission is to bring intelligent machines into society. The United States' armed forces used robots in the frontlines of Iraq War.

Military Robots

Android Development Tutorial

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Deep Look Into Android OS

Android is an open-source Software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications to allow developers to develop Internet style applications on the phone. The development of the android takes place through the use of a software development kit provided by Google. Android is NOT Java technology even though it uses the Java programming language. It is based on the Linux OS and coded in a Java-like language.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

The idea behind the platform is to combine technology companies with mobile companies to produce an open operating system that can be updated by any developer to improve the product for its users. Developers can use SDK kit to create applications that work with the android platform to gather other applications in addition to those included with the android operating system itself. The SDK includes an emulator that will help developers test their applications on the android operating system. The android operating system is also built under the phenomenon that each application is as good as the applications that are included.

Developers looking to create mobile experiences using the android operating system can do so using a standard Application Programming Interface (API) permitting them to use a series of procedure calls to control and access common elements within android. The API also permits items stored within the mobile environment, like contacts and appointments, to integrate with web services like online calendar and interaction services like email, groups etc.

Previous Surveys says that the mobile market is three times bigger than the Internet. Google purchased Android on July 2005. Currently LG, Sony Ericsson, HTC (HTC Magic--Latest Android Phone from HTC), ASUS, Samsung, Garmin, Huawei, Toshiba, & Motorola are creating gPhones - Phones that use Android software. There have been reports that a T-Mobile device and an HTC device might use the android operating system in the near future.

It will be interesting to watch which devices and carriers choose to support the android operating system. The deal that development is open to anyone who wish to use it, will also allow those with the need to create custom applications for a mobile device to do so, without requiring the purchase of special software and other items, which can sometimes be difficult to buy. Manufacturers like DELL, Sony Ericsson, LG, Huawei, Archos, Lenova and many others have also planned to release Android based Devices in the upcoming years. So there is a surprising fact prevailing around that the foot mark of Android may change the way mobile phones and other devices are used.

A Deep Look Into Android OS

Know Oracle SQL How to Struts Framework

Friday, January 7, 2011

Android Smart Phone Comparison - Motorola Droid X Vs HTC Evo 4g

Recently, 2 very well known companies, Motorola and HTC, created new phones that have received a lot of high remarks: Motorola Droid X and the HTC Evo 4G. Both of these are packed with tons of features and run on the same operating system Android 2.1 which allows you to run multiple apps at once. But which smart phone is better? Let's find out.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

The Motorola Droid X is a really sleek looking cell phone and comes with a OMAP 3630 1 GHz processor which is considered by many to be the fastest on the market and is the reason why this phone is the best multitasking smart phone out there, letting you run multiple applications at the same time. Some of the most notable features of the phone are its large 4.3" 720p HD touch screen and up to 40GB of storage: 8GB inside plus up to 32GB on MicroSD card. Other features include an 8 MP camera, DLNA compatibility with HDMI Micro out, 3G capabilities, and 3 microphones for noise cancellation and better call quality. This smart phone can also be used as a hot spot, meaning that you can use this phone to connect other phones to the internet.  

Now let's examine the Evo 4G. As you can probably tell from its name, it has 4G capabilities, which is pretty sweet. Just like the Motorola, the HTC has a 4.3'' HD screen and can be used as a hot spot. It has an HDMI port which lets you connect the touch phone to a large TV, which is really useful for watching videos. It has an 8 MP camera in the back and another, 1.3MP camera in the front, making video calling especially easy. While the 4G makes the internet faster, where available, it's not available everywhere and does make you pay a more expansive cell phone bill. It also has a 1 GHz Snapdragon CPU, which is one of the fastest processors out there and supports multitasking, but it is not quite as fast as the Droid's.

As you can see, both, the Droid X and the Evo 4G, have tons of similar features so it was tough to decide which touch phone was better. But after examining all of the specifications, the choice was clear to me.

Android Smart Phone Comparison - Motorola Droid X Vs HTC Evo 4g

Android PDF Android Development Guide

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Why the iPhone Will Change Your Life

There's an ongoing debate between iPhone users and Blackberry users (Android and other smartphones are jumping on board too) about which mobile device is the best. I am not here to try and convince you one way or the other; I am simply typing this blog post on my iPhone to let you know that if you do end up buying an iPhone, it will be one of the smartest moves you ever make in your life. Simply put, the iPhone is the coolest and most practical device I have ever used in my life.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

No matter what your needs are, the iPhone will satisfy them. It will also do so very, very well.

Let's start with the basic necessities: phone: check, good speakerphone: check, email: check, browsing: check. Great, we've got all the basics covered, and to be honest with you each of them will exceed your expectations. The speakerphone is crisp, the email is excellent and supports Microsoft Exchange server e-mail and the version of Safari the phone comes with is very good (you can also install other browsers as well such as the brilliant "Perfect Browser" app).

So what is it that truly differentiates the iPhone from the other smartphones out there? For starters, its touch screen is far and away the best available. Apple has mastered the multi touch technology where you can zoom in by pinching your fingers together and zoom out by pushing them outwards. The screen is also super crisp and offers a much larger viewing area than the Blackberry. It's absolutely gorgeous for surfing the web and watching movies.

The other thing that sets the iPhone apart is the fact that you get a full blown iPod which is arguably the best mobile music player available.

So at this point you're already ahead of the game with an outstanding phone coupled with the best screen and music player. Most people would already realize that the iPhone is going to provide you with an incredible experience, but there's one thing that outweighs all of the above, and truly differentiates the iPhone from its peers: I'm talking about Apple's App Store. With over 150000 apps available and growing daily, the App Store can transform your iPhone into just about anything you can possibly want.

Apple completely dominates this market and since the marketplace has such a captivated audience, the best developers and companies are targeting it ahead of the other marketplaces and so the dominance grows from strength to strength. The device itself is also about as cool as can possibly be.

Whether you want to run a business, play games, read the news, watch movies or simply listen to music and make some calls, the iPhone will literally change your life and you'll have a great time while using it.

Why the iPhone Will Change Your Life

Android Development Guide Android Development Tutorial

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Watch Live College Football Games Online - 3 Easy Steps

I am going to tell you how you can watch live college football games online in as little as three easy steps. It is really easy to do, and you will be amazed at how little effort it really does take. You will also be able to watch all kinds of TV shows and other sporting events all online from your computer.

[b]Android Programming[/b]

I am also going to give you some tips as I go along so that you don't get into something that you regret. There is a way to watch live college football games online, and I am going to show you how.

Step One. The first thing that you will do is find a service that will allow you to watch live TV online. There are several out there, and can be found pretty easily when doing a search in Google. Just make sure that you see that they offer some primary channels so that you can watch live college football games online. There are some scams out there, so be careful. Make sure that they are offering Live TV rather than download of shows that previously aired.

Step Two. Once you have found a reliable service, the next thing that you need to do is to join and download the software. It is usually a small download and the install should go fairly quick. The software acts like a big TV Guide that will let you browse through all of the channels and find what you want to watch. There is a sports category, so you would go to that category, and find the channel you want to watch. It is really simple to do. So, now that you have the software installed, let's go to step three.

Step Three. Now you have joined a service that allows you to watch live college football games online and installed the software. The only thing left to do is to set back and enjoy the game. It should take no time at all to start watching the games online. The software is easy to navigate and has good quality. I hope you enjoy the shows.

You have just learned how you can watch live college football games online in three easy steps. The best thing is that it is really easy to do, and now, you will be able to watch live TV from anywhere in the world. You can watch soccer games that are being played in another country. Catch up on all of the recent sports news. Watch TV shows online, and do it all with a small one-time-fee.

Watch Live College Football Games Online - 3 Easy Steps

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