Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Body Language + Facial Expression + Voice Recognition

What happens with Artificial Intelligence, Voice Recognition and Humanlike Robotic Android Technologies call come together?

[b]Android Programming[/b]

Currently, there are robotic android projects in the works in Japan and in the US; facial expression or mirroring, is very popular. The goal is for the human that interfaces with the system to create an emotional bond with the machine. Voice Recognition systems that also read body language and facial expression can also be used for threat assessment at lets say airports, border crossings and replace human workers at those locations or choke points.

If you smile at a robotic android and it smiles back at you, while you are having a conversation, this ups the emotional value of the conversation to the human. Perhaps the system might start complimenting you. If you are persnickety to the system, maybe it will mirror those responses or reciprocate an angry response or work to diffuse the situation, of course it all depends on its programming, but you can see the advances, potential applications and the trends going forward.

If you will recall Hal the famous science fiction computer, it said:

I sense hostility in your voice Dave

Perhaps since this was once in a science fiction work, human scientists today are trying to make it so. Right now, we are there, with have this technology, CRM Voice Recognition Software can sense emotion, hesitation, aggression, hostility, anger, etc. So, within five years we will see these features in more and more applications.

Haptics is another field of science, which lends itself well to the merging of Voice Recognition and Facial Feature emotional recognition. Perhaps robots of the future will look like humans and mimic their characteristics. A robot that feels a strong handshake and firm grip along with a self-confident voice of an individual with an earned ego might elevate the trust factor a notch or two.

Sizing up the confidence in the individuals ability to perform - will voice recognition software combined with these other technologies replace corporate Human Resource Directions, Project Managers, Middle Managers and CEOs too? Folks are already thinking here; 10-15 years out, but not without ruffling a few feathers. Being replaced by a computer, robot or system has caused many a conflict in the past, so the plot thickens and more barriers are foreseen. Think on this the future is coming faster than you might imagine.

Body Language + Facial Expression + Voice Recognition

Android Development Tutorial

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