Today, the mobile market is a jungle and Apple is the lion, the king of jungle. As many new mobiles products came in the mobile market like Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Samsung but still Apple is always on the top because of its brilliant features like iPad Application, Game Application, Business applications and so on. If you track apple share you will notice that Apple had made a new record this year. Apple market cap is nearing 0 billion. Every time Apple is delivering some new gadgets like its super slim ipod, iPhone 4 and Macbook Air and unveiled Mac OSx.
[b]Android Programming[/b]The latest 5 suprises of Apple this year-2010
Sleak iPad:- In the past if you remember iPad was just a rumour, but soon the experts of Apple, Inc converted this rumour in a reality. Today iPad is popular because of its design and features. More than 500 Companies are deploying the iPad. The iPad shut down the rocking netbook market, threatened to take over christmas---and became an enterprise sensation.
Apple Vs Android??
After a survey Piper Jaffray predicts Android will overtake the iPhone in smartphone market share in only a couple of years. But that's a red herring, say analysts. The Android market is spread across many handsets makers, and its unlikely anyone maker will surpass apple in the foreseeable future, according to Gariner analyst Van Baker. Also, rumours of verzion iPhone hitting the market if it become reality than Apple "could quickly overcome this lead".
The incredible Design:- When the iphone4 came out last summer, Apple fans shook with excitement over its sleek design, facetime video chat and Retina display.
Fabulous iPod 4:- This particular ipod is a 4th" one, which means it comes complete with Retina Display, IOS 4.1 and front and rear facing cameras and with ability to ecord in HD format.
Apple TV a new Gadget:- Simple its the time to say goodbye to your cable or satellite company and you get control over what you see when you set it -Apple TV. It can display photos from Flicker and MobileMe in a slide show, You can directly access YouTube on Apple TV.
Conclusion:- Apple has a wider scope than other mobiles in the market. Have you ever seen or heard any other brands iPad, iPod in the market? No, so from this statement it is quite clear that Apple rocks the technology market.
What Does 2010 Say About Apple?
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